- In this unit I feel like I learned about the language journalists use when using political bias, I obviously knew about political biases but I feel like I know a lot more about them and now when I read articles I’m able to distinguish the biases better than before.
- As I said in number 1 I learned how to distinguish political biases better than before.
- I feel like this Unit covered everything about news writing, I don’t feel like there was something that could’ve been added.
- I think my final project really shows bias really well, I’m proud that I was able to execute it really well.
- If I were to revise my final project I would definitely add more sources, I have French Bulldogs so I did everything from my own experiences instead of looking for actual sources.
- I would give myself a solid 5/10, last week I really wasn’t too focused on this class but this week I would say that I am more engaged than I was before.
- Last semester I had you as my professor and when we first switched over to online learning I was able to just check the course site on Friday and get everything done, however I learned quickly that this semester I couldn’t do the same thing so instead I started checking the course site right when you posted it and then planned out what I would do first.
- For the next unit I’m gonna keep on top of this course website because for this unit I wasn’t checking as much as I should have.
- I feel like everything was perfect, I don’t feel like anything else could have been added.
- I feel like making the YouTube videos explaining what we were gonna do for the week really helped and made things easier to understand
- Definitely political biases, I know I keep saying that but I feel like it was the most important topic for my day to day life.
Unit 1 Reflection
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